Meet Awa and Aïssé, the dynamic West African sisters who have brought the vibrant flavors of Afrofusion cuisine to Gainesville, Florida, and beyond. Rooted in their passion for cooking and cultural exchange, this culinary duo has crafted a unique experience that goes beyond the plate.

Embracing Authenticity and Health

Awa and Aïssé’s commitment to authenticity shines through in every dish they create. With a focus on healthy and natural ingredients, their Afrofusion cuisine embraces a farm-to-table philosophy. Say goodbye to harmful bouillons and hello to a culinary journey that champions non-GMO and locally sourced produce.

Beyond the Plate

But their culinary expertise doesn’t stop at the kitchen. Awa and Aïssé have expanded their offerings to include natural juices, cooking classes, and travel experiences that immerse participants in the rich tapestry of West African flavors. Their dedication to using natural dry and fresh seasonings adds depth and complexity to their dishes.

Supporting Local and Global Exploration

In the heart of Florida, these sisters proudly advocate for eating and shopping local. However, their culinary adventures don’t end at the state border. Awa and Aïssé have traversed the globe, bringing back inspiration from different cultures to infuse into their Afrofusion creations.

A Cultural Fusion of Flavors

What sets Awa and Aïssé apart is not just their culinary skills but their genuine love for sharing diverse flavors and cultures. Their menu isn’t just about food; it’s a celebration of the traditions and stories behind each dish. From African prints to unique kitchen accessories, every element reflects the sisters’ dedication to creating an immersive experience for their patrons.

Gainesville’s Global Culinary Ambassadors

Based in Gainesville, Awa and Aïssé have turned their Afrofusion cuisine into a culinary movement, captivating the taste buds of their local community. Whether you’re indulging in their delectable dishes or joining one of their cooking classes, you’re not just a customer – you’re part of a flavorful journey.

Q&A with Asa and Aïssé:

What inspired you to start your own business, and how did the idea come about?

We saw that there was a gap for our types of cuisines and products and we have always recreated the authentic dishes at home with our families and friends and could not find the same experience outside. We started the Flavorful adventure to offer this to our community. Our offerings are unique as we use authentic products and emphasize healthier ingredients. We also make a point of partnering with local farmers and business partners to eat and shop locally as much as possible. Our meats and seafood are from local grocery stores, mainly small businesses or family-owned. We are working with our great partner Working Food as well when there are community events. We are partnering with local colleges and universities to share knowledge about our products and Afro-fusion cuisine.

How has your business evolved since its inception, and what milestones have you achieved?

We started out by offering individual plates and small bites that customers could pick up at our commercial kitchen or have it delivered. We were able to grow into a catering business mainly and also offer own line of spices, condiments and juices. Despite the challenges that small businesses usually face we were blessed to have some able achievements and milestones : – Expandee brand awareness within the community – Became an approved caterer for UF – Completed the UF Small business mentor protege program – Catered for an internationally well known west african singer Angelique Kidjo at Uf performing Arts – launched products at Wards supermarkets – Kicked off cooking classes – Participated in several community events and festivals – Started to vend at Haile Farmers market

What sets your business apart from others in the same market?

Flavorful stands out for its authenticity of food and cultural education with also an emphasis on healthier West African foods and afro fusion by avoiding the harmful bouillons recently introduced. The diversity and variety of the cuisine and products we offered is also a competitive advantage thanks to our backgrounds.

Could you share some challenges you’ve faced as a small business owner and how you overcame them?

We have been self funded from our inception to this day. This has slowed some of our projects and products launches but we are passionate and determined to achieve our goals.

How do you approach marketing and promoting your products or services?

We have been mainly using social media and made sure we relay our personalities. This is an area we are going to actively work on this year with more videos and features of our personalities and products. We are also going to partner with Uf’ s Sparks for a marketing plan.

What role does technology play in your business operations and overall strategy?

It is crucial and an indispensable strategy. We mainly use social media but also working on our digital marketing certificate with google to improve and expand our knowledge.

How do you engage with your local community, and what impact has that had on your business?

We have a very strong local community who has been sharing about us with word of mouth. As mentioned we also participate in local events whenever we can. The local support has been critical.

Can you discuss your approach to customer service and building strong customer relationships?

We are committed to customer service. We are responsive and accountable We make a point to have clear communication with our customers while coordinating events. We also consider our customers as friends and treat them the way we would want to be treated for a top notch service involving genuine smiles of course:)

How do you stay informed about industry trends and adapt your business accordingly?

We part of the chambers of commerce and stay up to date with LinkedIn, professional magazines in the industry and technology, federal agencies, visiting their websites and pages. We are naturally curious and also discuss different topics with our network of friends and business partners.

What advice would you give to someone aspiring to start their own small business?

Make sure that you are passionate and love the field you are embarking on. Do the research and pre work as preparation is essential and use your resources.

How do you manage and prioritize tasks to ensure the smooth running of your business?

We use a matrix to determine what is urgent and important and what can wait or be delegated. We have to have strong organizational skills since we have full time jobs and personal commitments on top of this great Flavorful adventure.

Are there any upcoming projects, expansions, or changes in your business that you’re excited about?

Establish our non profits Launching in other stores Starting our culinary Those would be the main key things on top of other goals.

How do you maintain work-life balance as a small business owner?

To be transparent, it is not an easy task but we strive to use the same matrix to prioritize our work and commitments.

In what ways do you incorporate sustainability or social responsibility into your business practices?

We mainly use eco friendly products and continue to in price in those areas.

If your business had a theme song, what would it be and why?

E No easy by Square. Although things are not easy we keep going and stay faithful.

What’s the most rewarding moment you’ve experienced as a small business owner?

Every time we have someone taste our cuisine for the first time and they share it reminds them of their heritage cooking or give them a positive view of West African and afro fusion cuisine. Breaking down the barriers and biases.

Share a funny or memorable anecdote from your journey as a business owner.

When we were able to cater for Angelique Kidjo as we have listened to her music when we were younger and admire her and it was amazing that we were able all meet here in Gainesville.

If you could invite three famous personalities, living or dead, to a dinner party related to your business, who would they be and why?

Chef Pierre Thiam and Chef Binta as their way of reintroducing West African foods is aligned with our vison Our moms/grand moms: we are honoring their cuisines and our heritage.

What’s the most unexpected lesson you’ve learned from running your own business?

As we share cultural facts about some dishes, we knew of the commonalities but we have learned of so many more.

As Awa and Aïssé continue to redefine Afrofusion cuisine, their story becomes a testament to the power of culinary exploration, cultural exchange, and the joy of savoring every moment. So, join the sisters on this gastronomic adventure, and let the flavors of West Africa and beyond transport you to a world where every bite tells a tale.

You can find out more about Flavorful and order their wonderful products by visiting!

Learn more about the Greater Gainesville Black Chamber or join the GNV Black Business Directory by visiting


  • M Kaba

    Lovely food and meals made with Fresh African ingredients. Good job Awa and Aissé. Wish you all the best for your business.

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